New RSC Documents June-December 2015

New RSC Documents June-December 2015

Documents posted from June-December 2015.

Distribution Date Document Date Document Number Subject
8December2015 8December2015 RSC/Outcomes/2015 Outcomes of the 2015 JSC Meeting
27October2015 26October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13/rev Revisions to 6JSC/MusicWG/13, Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16)
26October2015 26October2015 6JSC/ALA/44/rev New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Production Method for Optical Disc
26October2015 26October2015 6JSC/CCC/17/rev Recording the Fuller Form of Name ( Revised
26October2015 26October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/rev Revisions to 6JSC/MusicWG/12, Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works (
26October2015 26October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11/rev Revisions to 6JSC/MusicWG/11, Instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and
26October2015 26October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10/rev Revision of 6JSC/MusicWG/10, instruction language for Part of a Larger Part (
26October2015 26October2015 6JSC/LC/34/rev Location of a conference, etc.
23October2015 23October2015 6JSC/LC/33/rev Revision to instructions for Adaptations and Revisions (
23October2015 23October2015 6JSC/LC/32/rev Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA
12October2015 12October2015 6JSC/A/5 Agenda for November 2015 JSC Meeting
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/Sec/17 Fast Track entries included in the October 2015 release of RDA Toolkit
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/1/LC response Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works at— - LC response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1/LC response Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper - LC response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5/LC response Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015) - LC response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/1/LC response RDA and FRBRoo treatment of aggregates - LC response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/6/DNB response RDA accommodation of relationship data - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/5/DNB response RDA models for authority data - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1/DNB response Place as an RDA entity - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/1/DNB response Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works at— - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/DNB response Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works ( - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11/DNB response Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/LC/34/DNB response Location of a conference, etc. - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/LC/33/DNB response Revision to instructions for Adaptations and Revisions ( - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/FictitiousWG/1/DNB response Fictitious and other entities in RDA and the consolidated FR models - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/CCC/19/DNB response Parallel language elements (1.7.7) - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/CCC/17/DNB response Recording the Fuller Form of Name ( - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/CCC/16/DNB response Transcription of punctuation and symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5) - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1/DNB response Capitalization Instructions and RDA - DNB response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/DNB response Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1/DNB response Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/BL/27/DNB response Appendix I Relationships for works issued over time - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/BL/25/DNB response Optional Addition - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5/DNB response Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015) - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/45/DNB response Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/44/DNB response New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/43/DNB response Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/42/DNB response Clarify Sources of Information for Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper (RDA, etc.) - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/41/DNB response Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/ALA/40/DNB response Revision to RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type and RDA, Recording Extent - DNB response
5October2015 5October2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/6/DNB response RDA and FRBRoo treatment of aggregates - DNB response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/6/CCC response RDA accommodation of relationship data - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/5/CCC response RDA models for authority data - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1/CCC response Place as an RDA entity - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/Discussion/3/CCC response Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/Discussion/2/CCC response Simplification of the Medium of Performance Instructions (6.15) - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/Discussion/1/CCC response Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works at— - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev/CCC response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title ( - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/15/CCC response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14/CCC response Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13/CCC response Revisions to Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16) - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/CCC response Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works ( - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11/CCC response Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and - CCC response
5October2015 3October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10/CCC response Revision of instruction language for Part of a Larger Part ( - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/LC/34/CCC response Location of a conference, etc. - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/LC/33/CCC response Revision to instructions for Adaptations and Revisions ( - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/LC/32/CCC response Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/FictitiousWG/1/CCC response Fictitious and other entities in RDA and the consolidated FR models - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1/CCC response Capitalization Instructions and RDA - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/CCC response Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1/CCC response Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL/27/CCC response Appendix I Relationships for works issued over time - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL/26/CCC response 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL/25/CCC response Optional Addition - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5/CCC response Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015) - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/45/CCC response Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/44/CCC response New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/43/CCC response Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/42/CCC response Clarify Sources of Information for Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper (RDA, etc.) - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/41/CCC response Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/40/CCC response Revision to RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type and RDA, Recording Extent - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/39/CCC response Expand the scope of RDA 2.17.5, Note on Numbering of Serials, and 2.17.11, Note on Series Statement - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/38/CCC response Create RDA 2.17.14, Note on Identifier for the Manifestation - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/37/CCC response Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.) - CCC response
5October2015 2October2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/1/CCC response - CCC response
4October2015 26August2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/6/ALA response RDA accommodation of relationship data - ALA response
4October2015 16September2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/5/ALA response RDA models for authority data - ALA response
4October2015 23September2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1/ALA response Place as an RDA entity - ALA response
4October2015 23September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3/ALA response Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression - ALA response
4October2015 24September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/2/ALA response Simplification of the Medium of Performance Instructions (6.15) - ALA response
4October2015 29September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/1/ALA response Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works at— - ALA response
4October2015 22September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev/ALA response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title ( - ALA response
4October2015 22September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/15/ALA response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works - ALA response
4October2015 2October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14/ALA response Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions - ALA response
4October2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13/ALA response Revisions to Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16) - ALA response
4October2015 29September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/ALA response Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works ( - ALA response
4October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11/ALA response Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and - ALA response
4October2015 28September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10/ALA response Revision of instruction language for Part of a Larger Part ( - ALA response
4October2015 23September2015 6JSC/LC/34/ALA response Location of a conference, etc. - ALA response
4October2015 15September2015 6JSC/LC/33/ALA response Revision to instructions for Adaptations and Revisions ( - ALA response
4October2015 27August2015 6JSC/LC/32/ALA response Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA - ALA response
4October2015 29September2015 6JSC/FictitiousWG/1/ALA response Fictitious and other entities in RDA and the consolidated FR models - ALA response
4October2015 26August2015 6JSC/CCC/19/ALA response Parallel language elements (1.7.7) - ALA response
4October2015 28August2015 6JSC/CCC/18/rev/ALA response Recording numbering for a series ( - ALA response
4October2015 10September2015 6JSC/CCC/17/ALA response Recording the Fuller Form of Name ( - ALA response
4October2015 1September2015 6JSC/CCC/16/ALA response Transcription of punctuation and symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5) - ALA response
4October2015 26August2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1/ALA response Capitalization Instructions and RDA - ALA response
4October2015 17September2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/ALA response Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up - ALA response
4October2015 17September2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1/ALA response Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper - ALA response
4October2015 26August2015 6JSC/BL/27/ALA response Appendix I Relationships for works issued over time - ALA response
4October2015 2September2015 6JSC/BL/26/ALA response 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording - ALA response
4October2015 28August2015 6JSC/BL/25/ALA response Optional Addition - ALA response
4October2015 18September2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/1/ALA response RDA and FRBRoo treatment of aggregates - ALA response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1/EURIG response Place as an RDA entity - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3/EURIG response Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev/EURIG response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title ( - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14/EURIG response Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/EURIG response Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works ( - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/LC/32/EURIG response Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1/EURIG response Capitalization Instructions and RDA - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/EURIG response Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1/EURIG response Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL/26/EURIG response 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5/EURIG response Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015) - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/45/EURIG response Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/44/EURIG response New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/37/EURIG response Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.) - EURIG response
3October2015 2October2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/1/EURIG response RDA and FRBRoo treatment of aggregates - EURIG response
2October2015 24September2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/6/UK response RDA accommodation of relationship data - UK response
2October2015 19September2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/5/UK response RDA models for authority data - UK response
2October2015 19September2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1/UK response Place as an RDA entity - UK response
2October2015 15September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3/UK response Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression - UK response
2October2015 15September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/2/UK response Simplification of the Medium of Performance Instructions (6.15) - UK response
2October2015 15September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/1/UK response Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works at— - UK response
2October2015 15September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev/UK response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title ( - UK response
2October2015 10September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/15/UK response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works - UK response
2October2015 10September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14/UK response Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions - UK response
2October2015 10September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13/UK response Revisions to Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16) - UK response
2October2015 10September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/UK response Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works ( - UK response
2October2015 10September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11/UK response Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and - UK response
2October2015 10September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10/UK response Revision of instruction language for Part of a Larger Part ( - UK response
2October2015 25September2015 6JSC/FictitiousWG/1/UK response Fictitious and other entities in RDA and the consolidated FR models - UK response
2October2015 18September2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1/UK response Capitalization Instructions and RDA - UK response
2October2015 24September2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/UK response Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up - UK response
2October2015 24September2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1/UK response Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper - UK response
2October2015 24September2015 6JSC/BL/27/UK response Appendix I Relationships for works issued over time - UK response
2October2015 24September2015 6JSC/BL/26/UK response 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording - UK response
2October2015 24September2015 6JSC/BL/25/UK response Optional Addition - UK response
2October2015 25September2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/1/UK response RDA and FRBRoo treatment of aggregates - UK response
2October2015 2October2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/6/LC response RDA accommodation of relationship data - LC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/5/LC response RDA models for authority data - LC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1/LC response Place as an RDA entity - LC response
2October2015 28September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/LC response Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works ( - LC response
2October2015 2October2015 6JSC/FictitiousWG/1/LC response Fictitious and other entities in RDA and the consolidated FR models - LC response
2October2015 2October2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/LC response Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up - LC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/BL/26/LC response 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording - LC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/ALA/43/LC response Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies - LC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/Technical/6/ACOC response RDA accommodation of relationship data - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/Technical/5/ACOC response RDA models for authority data - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1/ACOC response Place as an RDA entity - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3/ACOC response Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/2/ACOC response Simplification of the Medium of Performance Instructions (6.15) - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/1/ACOC response Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works at— - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev/ACOC response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title ( - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/15/ACOC response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14/ACOC response Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13/ACOC response Revisions to Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16) - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12/ACOC response Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works ( - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11/ACOC response Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10/ACOC response Revision of instruction language for Part of a Larger Part ( - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/LC/34/ACOC response Location of a conference, etc. - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/LC/33/ACOC response Revision to instructions for Adaptations and Revisions ( - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/LC/32/ACOC response Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/FictitiousWG/1/ACOC response Fictitious and other entities in RDA and the consolidated FR models - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/CCC/19/ACOC response Parallel language elements (1.7.7) - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/CCC/18/rev/ACOC response Recording numbering for a series ( - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/CCC/17/ACOC response Recording the Fuller Form of Name ( - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/CCC/16/ACOC response Transcription of punctuation and symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5) - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1/ACOC response Capitalization Instructions and RDA - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/ACOC response Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1/ACOC response Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/BL/27/ACOC response Appendix I Relationships for works issued over time - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/BL/26/ACOC response 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/BL/25/ACOC response Optional Addition - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5/ACOC response Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015) - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/45/ACOC response Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/44/ACOC response New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/43/ACOC response Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/42/ACOC response Clarify Sources of Information for Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper (RDA, etc.) - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/41/ACOC response Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/40/ACOC response Revision to RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type and RDA, Recording Extent - ACOC response
2October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/39/ACOC response Expand the scope of RDA 2.17.5, Note on Numbering of Serials, and 2.17.11, Note on Series Statement - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/ALA/38/ACOC response Create RDA 2.17.14, Note on Identifier for the Manifestation - ACOC response
2October2015 2October2015 6JSC/ALA/37/ACOC response Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.) - ACOC response
2October2015 1October2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/1/ACOC response RDA and FRBRoo treatment of aggregates - ACOC response
1October2015 16September2015 6JSC/LC/34/UK response Location of a conference, etc. - UK response
1October2015 15September2015 6JSC/LC/33/UK response Revision to instructions for Adaptations and Revisions ( - UK response
1October2015 15September2015 6JSC/LC/32/UK response Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA - UK response
1October2015 18September2015 6JSC/CCC/19/UK response Parallel language elements (1.7.7) - UK response
1October2015 18September2015 6JSC/CCC/18/rev/UK response Recording numbering for a series ( - UK response
1October2015 18September2015 6JSC/CCC/17/UK response Recording the Fuller Form of Name ( - UK response
1October2015 18September2015 6JSC/CCC/16/UK response Transcription of punctuation and symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5) - UK response
1October2015 1October2015 6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5/UK response Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015) - UK response
1October2015 18September2015 6JSC/ALA/45/UK response Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J - UK response
1October2015 18September2015 6JSC/ALA/44/UK response New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method - UK response
1October2015 22September2015 6JSC/ALA/43/UK response Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies - UK response
1October2015 1October2015 6JSC/ALA/42/UK response Clarify Sources of Information for Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper (RDA, etc.) - UK response
1October2015 17September2015 6JSC/ALA/41/UK response Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the "Contained in" and "Container of" Relationship - UK response
1October2015 22September2015 6JSC/ALA/40/UK response Revision to RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type and RDA, Recording Extent - UK response
1October2015 16September2015 6JSC/ALA/39/UK response Expand the scope of RDA 2.17.5, Note on Numbering of Serials, and 2.17.11, Note on Series Statement - UK response
1October2015 16September2015 6JSC/ALA/38/UK response Create RDA 2.17.14, Note on Identifier for the Manifestation - UK response
1October2015 16September2015 6JSC/ALA/37/UK response Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.) - UK response
1October2015 28September2015 6JSC/ALA/45/LC response Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J - LC response
1October2015 28September2015 6JSC/ALA/44/LC response New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method - LC response
1October2015 28September2015 6JSC/ALA/42/LC response Clarify Sources of Information for Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper (RDA, etc.) - LC response
1October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/40/LC response Revision to RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type and RDA, Recording Extent - LC response
1October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/39/LC response Expand the scope of RDA 2.17.5, Note on Numbering of Serials, and 2.17.11, Note on Series Statement - LC response
1October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/38/LC response Create RDA 2.17.14, Note on Identifier for the Manifestation - LC response
1October2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/37/LC response Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.) - LC response
1October2015 30September2015 6JSC/CCC/18/rev/LC response Recording numbering for a series ( - LC response
1October2015 28September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13/LC response Revisions to Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16) - LC response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3/DNB response Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/2/DNB response Simplification of the Medium of Performance Instructions (6.15) - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev/DNB response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title ( - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/15/DNB response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14/DNB response Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13/DNB response Revisions to Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16) - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10/DNB response Revision of instruction language for Part of a Larger Part ( - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/LC/32/DNB response Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/CCC/18/rev/DNB response Recording numbering for a series ( - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/BL/26/DNB response 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/39/DNB response Expand the scope of RDA 2.17.5, Note on Numbering of Serials, and 2.17.11, Note on Series Statement - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/38/DNB response Create RDA 2.17.14, Note on Identifier for the Manifestation - DNB response
30September2015 30September2015 6JSC/ALA/37/DNB response Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.) - DNB response
29September2015 29September2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1/LC response Capitalization Instructions and RDA - LC response
29September2015 29September2015 6JSC/BL/27/LC response Appendix I Relationships for works issued over time - LC response
29September2015 29September2015 6JSC/BL/25/LC response, Optional Addition - LC response
29September2015 28September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11/LC response Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and - LC response
29September2015 26September2015 6JSC/CCC/16/LC response Transcription of punctuation and symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5) - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3/LC response Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/2/LC response Simplification of the Medium of Performance Instructions (6.15) - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev/LC response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title ( - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/15/LC response Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14/LC response Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10/LC response Revision of instruction language for Part of a Larger Part ( - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/CCC/19/LC response Parallel language elements (1.7.7) - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/CCC/17/LC response Recording the Fuller Form of Name ( - LC response
27September2015 26September2015 6JSC/ALA/41/LC response Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the "Contained in" and "Container of" Relationships - LC response
22September2015 22September2015 6JSC/Policy/6 Translation Policy for RDA and RDA Toolkit
22September2015 22September2015 6JSC/Chair/23 Terms of reference for the JSC Translations Working Group
6August2015 5August2015 6JSC/FictitiousWG/1 Fictitious and other entities in RDA and the consolidated FR models
6August2015 3August2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/6 RDA accommodation of relationship data
6August2015 3August2015 6JSC/TechnicalWG/5 RDA models for authority data
6August2015 3August2015 6JSC/PlacesWG/1 Place as an RDA entity
6August2015 3August2015 6JSC/AggregatesWG/1 RDA and FRBRoo treatment of aggregates
6August2015 5August2015 6JSC/CCC/18/rev Recording numbering for a series (
4August2015 3August2015 6JSC/CCC/19 Parallel language elements (1.7.7)
4August2015 3August2015 6JSC/CCC/18 Recording numbering for a series (
4August2015 3August2015 6JSC/CCC/17 Recording the Fuller Form of Name (
4August2015 4August2015 6JSC/CCC/16 Transcription of punctuation and symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5)
4August2015 1August2015 6JSC/BL rep/2/Appendix B Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up/Appendix B
4August2015 1August2015 6JSC/BL rep/2 Simplification of RDA 2.7-2.10. Follow up
4August2015 1August2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1-part 2 Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper (part 2)
4August2015 1August2015 6JSC/BL/Discussion/1-part 1 Conventional Collective Titles in RDA: a discussion paper (part 1)
4August2015 5July2015 6JSC/BL/27 Appendix I Relationships for works issued over time
4August2015 29July2015 6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1 Capitalization Instructions and RDA
4August2015 31July2015 6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5 Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015)
4August2015 30July2015 6JSC/ALA/45 Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J
4August2015 1August2015 6JSC/ALA/44 New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method
4August2015 30July2015 6JSC/ALA/43 Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies
4August2015 23July2015 6JSC/ALA/42 Clarify Sources of Information for Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper (RDA, etc.)
4August2015 1August2015 6JSC/ALA/41 Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships
4August2015 31July2015 6JSC/ALA/40 Revision to RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type and RDA, Recording Extent
4August2015 20July2015 6JSC/ALA/39 Expand the scope of RDA 2.17.5, Note on Numbering of Serials, and 2.17.11, Note on Series Statement
4August2015 23July2015 6JSC/ALA/38 Create RDA 2.17.14, Note on Identifier for the Manifestation
4August2015 23July2015 6JSC/ALA/37 Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.)
3August2015 3August2015 6JSC/ROFWG/3 Guidelines for proposing new carrier and content categories and terms in RDA
3August2015 3August2015 6JSC/ROFWG/3/Categories RDA carrier and content categories
3August2015 3August2015 6JSC/LC/33 Revision to instructions for Adaptations and Revisions (
3August2015 3August2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16/rev Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title (
3August2015 3August2015 6JSC/Sec/16 Fast Track entries included in the August 2015 release of RDA Toolkit
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/3 Additional element for Medium of Performance of the Expression
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/2 Simplification of the Medium of Performance Instructions (6.15)
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/Discussion/1 Evaluating authorized access point instructions for musical works at—
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/16 Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of parts of musical works identified by both a number and a title (
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/15 Finnish Music Group proposed revisions for recording preferred titles of musical works
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/14 Removing lists of terms from the Medium of Performance (6.15) instructions
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/13 Revisions to Numeric Designation of a Musical Work (6.16)
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/12 Revisions to Additions to Access Points Representing Compilations of Musical Works (
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/11 Revisions to instructions for additions to access points representing musical works with distinctive titles ( and
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/MusicWG/10 Revision of instruction language for Part of a Larger Part (
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/LC/34 Location of a conference, etc.
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/LC/32 Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA
31July2015 31July2015 6JSC/BL/26 2.7 Production Statement: changing method of recording
31July2015 22June2015 6JSC/BL/25 Optional Addition
30July2015 30July2015 6JSC/Policy/5/rev Proposal and discussion paper guidelines (and Sample proposal)
23June2015 23June2015 6JSC/RDA/Element analysis table/rev/3 RDA elements
18June2015 18June2015 6JSC/M/462-539 Minutes of November 2014 meeting
8June2015 8June2015 6JSC/Chair/18/2015/rev/1 JSC Aggregates Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
7June2015 25May2015 6JSC/Policy/1/rev Statement of policy and procedures for JSC
7June2015 25May2015 6JSC/Policy/5 and 6JSC/Policy/5/Sample RDA proposal Proposal and discussion paper guidelines (and Sample proposal)
7June2015 25May2015 6JSC/Chair/7/rev/3 Information for new JSC representatives
6June2015 4June2015 6JSC/Chair/22 Protocol between the JSC and the ISSN International Centre
6June2015 4June2015 6JSC/Chair/22/Shared documents Documents shared between the JSC and the ISSN International Centre
6June2015 4June2015 6JSC/Chair/20/2015 JSC Relationship Designators Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
6June2015 4June2015 6JSC/Chair/19/2015 JSC Fictitious Entities Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
6June2015 4June2015 6JSC/Chair/18/2015 JSC Aggregates Working Group: 2015 membership and tasks
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