
RDA Toolkit Release - April 12, 2016

A new release of RDA Toolkit was published on April 12, 2016. When there is a new release for RDA Toolkit, it is typically made on the second Tuesday of the month. Releases typically contain changes to content and metadata, enhancements to RDA Toolkit functionality, and fixes to existing bugs. You can subscribe to our RSS development feed to get notification of releases.

Special Release to RDA Toolkit -- Italian RDA

On March 8th, RDA Toolkit published the Italian language translation of RDA. The new translation is accessible to all with a subscription to RDA Toolkit. Users whose browser language preference is set to Italian will be automatically logged into the Italian version of RDA. Users may also log into to their profiles and set Italian as their preferred language.

Announcing the Italian translation of RDA

In 2014 ALA Publishing, on behalf of the RDA Co-Publishers, signed an agreement on the Italian language rights translation in RDA: Resource Description and Access with the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries (ICCU) that is responsible for the translation of the Italian language version of the new cataloguing standard.

Special Release to RDA Toolkit -- Finnish and Spanish RDA

On December 8 RDA Toolkit published the Finnish language translation of RDA and an update to the Spanish language translation. The Finnish translation is accessible to all with a subscription to RDA Toolkit. Users whose browser language preference is set to Finnish will be automatically logged into the Finnish version of RDA.