An Update on 2017 Toolkit Releases

As work on the 3R Project progresses, we have had to make adjustments to plans for the releases in 2017. The upcoming August release was intended to be the last release of 2017. However, as we transition to new translation software and implement registry synchronization for the Toolkit translations, it has become clear that the translation teams will need more time to complete their work. The August release will happen as scheduled, but we will also add releases in October and December in order to allow translation teams to catch up with the April 2017 release. Here are the current expectations for each of these releases.
- August release - update to the German translation as well as updates to several policy statement collections, including policy statements from the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and the Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging.
- October release - update to the Catalan and French translations and addition of the Norwegian translation.
- December release - update to Finnish translation and policy statements.
The translation teams are not obligated to update their current translations to the April 2017 version and have been given the option of only focusing on an update based on 3R revisions. Currently, it is understood that the Italian and Spanish translation teams have chosen this option. This post will be updated as more information becomes available.