LIS Instruction

Teaching RDA in the LIS Classroom: Report and Webinar

In September 2021, Elisa Sze of the University of Toronto was appointed to the position of Education and Orientation Officer for the RDA Steering Committee (RSC). Her charge as EOO is to liaise with LIS educators and instructors across multiple regions, creating an informal network of RDA educators and instructors and feeding the perspectives and needs of the educational community back to the RSC.

RDA Handout for Educators and Trainers jhennelly Thu, 04/04/2024 - 17:39

In 2022, Elisa Sze, Education and Orientation Officer, published a “Report on Approaches to Teaching RDA in the LIS Classroom”. This handout includes key points from that report and identifies concepts and issues that educators may wish to consider prior to teaching with RDA Toolkit. It also offers ideas for how to integrate RDA into a variety of courses.