Welcome to the new rdatoolkit.org

Welcome to the new rdatoolkit.org

Welcome to the new RDA Site

We are excited to roll out a new rdatoolkit.org site! Just to clarify rdatoolkit.org is this very information and communication site that serves as a kind of entrance way to the RDA Toolkit proper.

Our goal is to make the site easier to navigate and more illuminating. The updated site includes a more dynamic home page with a slideshow display of announcements and other news, as well as channel displays with the latest information on the 3R project, RDA events at conferences, and new RDA-related publications and webinars.

We have introduced two new "channels" -- News & Information and Shop RDA. News & Information is a merger of the News, Blog, and Development Blog pages form the old site (we have carried over all blog and development posts from January 2016 to the present). This new channel will serve as a single posting area for latest information on RDA and the Toolkit. We also intend to post more often with links to offsite blogs, things happening on Facebook and other social media outlets, interesting threads on the RDA-L discussion list, articles of interest, and anything else that might be of interest to Toolkit users.

We have also added a new channel called Shop RDA, which will list new RDA-related books, webinars, and online courses with links to where these items can be purchased.

We hope that you like the new site and find it much easier to navigate and use. Of course we know there is always room for improvement and growth. Please send along any feedback on the new site to rdatoolkit@ala.org.