RDA Examples Editor position open

RDA Examples Editor position open

The RDA Board and RDA Steering Committee (RSC) seek a qualified library professional with expertise in RDA and cataloging to take on the role of RDA Examples Editor for a two-year term.

The purpose of the role is to support the RSC in the development and maintenance of examples in RDA: Resource Description and Access. The RDA Examples Editor creates and maintains examples in RDA, provides examples for the Toolkit website (https://www.rdatoolkit.org/examples), and serves as an ex-officio member of the Translations Working Group.

There will be a period of overlap with the term of the current Examples Editor to allow for thorough training and a fluid transition for this crucial post. The successful candidate would train with Kate James from May-December 2019. Their term would then commence in January 2020 and end in December 2021. The incumbent may apply for a second term.

The RDA Examples Editor is a member of the RDA Steering Committee and is expected to attend regular conference calls as well as the annual RSC in-person meeting. Travel and subsistence expenses to the annual meeting are covered by the RDA Fund.

A description of the position responsibilities and requirements is linked here. This is an exciting opportunity to be an integral part of the team responsible for developing RDA, the global standard enabling discovery of content.

Questions? Contact Linda Barnhart, RSC Secretary, at rscsecretary@rdatoolkit.org.

To apply for this position, please submit the application form to rscchair@rdatoolkit.org by the close of business 15 March 2019.

Posted 13 February 2019