New DNB RSC Member

New DNB RSC Member

Renate Behrens joined the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) on January 8, 2016. She replaced Christine Frodl as the representative of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.

Information about Renate is given below.

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Renate Behrens has worked in the German National Library’s Office for Library Standards since 2008, engaged in project management and cooperation between libraries and library networks in the German-speaking countries. She has previously worked in other areas of the Library, including the Cataloguing Department, Subject Heading Department, and ISSN-Centre.

She is head of the RDA-Project in Austria, Germany, and German-speaking Switzerland. Renate is Secretary of the Consortium of Library Networks in Austria, Germany and the German-speaking Switzerland and the Committee for Library Standards in the German-speaking countries. She is also a corresponding member of the IFLA Cataloguing Section’s Standing Committee.

Date posted: 13 January 2016