RDA Examples Working Group: Call for Interest

RDA Examples Working Group: Call for Interest

Are you a cataloging instructor, trainer or author with experience in finding examples to show the way RDA guidelines can be applied? Would you like to meet with others working to educate the cataloging community? Would you be willing to contribute some of your examples to the text of Official RDA?

If so, RSC Chair Renate Behrens would like to hear from you. The RDA Board has recently approved the creation of a Standing Working Group on Examples (RSC/Chair/2023/2) which will support the work of the RDA Examples Editor to coordinate the addition of appropriate examples and edit existing examples.

This is a brand new opportunity to become involved in the management of RDA, but it is likely that the selection of the Examples Editor for 2024 onwards will be made from this Working Group and will become its Chair. The current Examples Editor, Honor Moody, is due step down at the end of December 2023, but will be staying on as a member of the Examples Working Group and is expecting to spend September-December training the Examples Editor Elect and then January-March 2024 supporting them in their first quarter as Examples Editor.

If you would like to express an interest in joining the Working Group, please email Renate Behrens, RSCchair@rdatoolkit.org by 30 June 2023. It would be helpful to include an indication of why you are interested. This could be because you are the person at your workplace who finds examples for training or because you have experience running trainings or writing about cataloging, or it could be because you are a recent enough library school graduate that you can remember the importance of examples to your own learning - learners make the best teachers, after all. It will also be helpful to you to find out from your current employer if they are happy for you to spend some time volunteering on the Working Group, which is likely to occupy a few hours each month.